About Ashlynne Eaton | Minimalist YouTuber

I'm Ashlynne!

Let’s get to know each other! I’m a simple + intentional living enthusiast on a mission to live simply (but better) and to help you to do the same.

Where it all began...

Where it all began…

For me, that passion all began in 2016. I was living life, doing all the things I thought I was “supposed” to. I went to college. I got married. I lived in an apartment with my husband… And I was overwhelmed. Not by my relationship–I’ve been blessed with an incredible spouse. But it felt like everything else in my life was stressing me out. My life. My schedule. My space–especially this one. I knew something needed to change. But I didn’t know how to start or where to begin.

About Ashlynne Eaton | Minimalist YouTuber

Not long after I’d reached a breaking point, I stumbled across the concept of minimalism–living with less.

Immediately something clicked in my head. This is where I need to start. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and a single word was impressed in my brain. Simplify. 

So space-by-space I did just that. I began decluttering my home, and the immediate impact it had was incredible. As I removed the clutter from my life that wasn’t serving me, I experienced this tremendous feeling of freedom and relief. My stress levels went down day-by-day and I slowly began to actually enjoy living in my home again. 

About Ashlynne Eaton | Minimalist YouTuber

Fast-forward a few months to when my home was fully decluttered, and no longer did my space overwhelm me or cause me anxiety, rather, it gave me a sense of peace and tranquility, two words I would have NEVER associated it with before. 

Wouldn’t that be nice if that was the end of the story?

It’s not. Life can’t quite be contained to a tidy narrative like that. It’s full of ups and downs. Of two steps forwards and one backwards.

Enter the next chapter.

About Ashlynne Eaton | Minimalist YouTuber

Fast forward several years…

…and I’d gotten into a groove with minimalism. I’d learned how to use it as a tool in my own life and even helped hundreds of thousands of followers online to declutter their lives.

But do you know where I hadn’t applied the concepts of simple living personally? My schedule. Whether I was hanging out with friends, working too much, going out to dinner, doing some event or activity, I was constantly doing something. But do you know what I wasn’t doing? Resting. My life felt like a race and eventually, I crashed. The pace that I’d been living at wasn’t sustainable and I was completely burned out mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

Just like before, I woke up one day just knowing in my heart, this wasn’t the way I was meant to live. Through many tears (I cry easily) and tough conversations I decided to make a change. I slowly started stripping back my schedule and creating margin. It wasn’t easy, especially since sometimes everything can feel important. But I knew that it was vital. 

Over the following days, weeks, and months, I started slowly reclaiming my life. Making space for rest, for life-giving relationships, for all the things I’d put on the back-burner for far too long. And slowly, I began to see progress. I started enjoying the little things again. I picked up hobbies I hadn’t touched in months. I found myself with more energy. It felt like the “hard days” got further and further apart.

About Ashlynne Eaton | Minimalist YouTuber

Fast-forward to the present day and I’m not perfect with minimalism in my home or simplicity in my schedule (is that even possible?) But WOW. I’ve come so far with both from where I started off.

These days, my focus is on trying to maintain balance in my own life and to help others to achieve the same peace and freedom that I’ve found. Through my videos, books, and other resources, my mission is to help busy people simplify their lives, homes, and schedules.

My mission

My mission

Does my story sound a bit like yours? Or maybe you’re part of the way through, wondering how to get to the other side? If that’s you, I want to help. Whether you want to simplify your life, declutter your home, create routines that stick, or get organized, let me walk along side you to help you design the life and lifestyle you want.

Here’s how you can get started



My YouTube channel is where it all started! On there, I share my own journey, plus tons of inspiration and ideas on how you can simplify and “intentionalize” your life.



On my blog, I love diving deep into top tips and strategies to live simply (but better). But I love having fun on there too! You’ll also find some of my favorite recipes, travel guides, and more!



This is where all the good stuff is. I can only cover so much in a YouTube video or blog post, so if you’re ready to create REAL change, check out my ebooks for practical, in-depth tools to transform your life.

Mini Courses

Mini Courses

Coming soon! This is going to be all the great things about my ebooks, the in-depth content, the real-life strategies, and more, BUT in video form! Check back soon for more updates!

About Ashlynne Eaton | Minimalist YouTuber

Now for the fun stuff

❇︎ I was born & raised in Canada (and yes, that does make me a proud maple syrup snob).

❇︎ I’m a follower of Christ and my faith plays a big role in my life. Our home church in Charlotte, NC is like family to me.

❇︎ Hygge, cozyness, warmth… call it whatever you like, it’s not just an occasional vibe I like, it’s an obsession that happily embrace.

❇︎ I love a good podcast and I’ll often go down random podcast rabbit holes learning about everything from conspiracy theories, to Russian history, and more!

❇︎ NFL Football is really the only sport that I’m into, but I’m a big time Patriots fan. Around football season, you’ll also often playing me playing in (and winning) several fantasy football leagues.

❇︎ I’ve always enjoyed creative pursuits, whether that was photography, drawing, painting, and the list goes on. But in recent years, embroidery and water coloring have become two of my favorite pass times. 

❇︎ Travel is a lifelong passion of mine and what started with road tripping across North America when I was younger, quickly turned into a lifelong desire to always be exploring. I love visiting new destinations and am currently trying to add new places to hit my goal of visiting 30 countries by age 30… and all 50 states of course.

❇︎ If you couldn’t tell already, I’m a pretty multi-passionate person (aka Enneagram Type 7) and am always down for an adventure, whether that’s trying a new food, or experience, or activity.

Got a question I didn’t answer here or want to connect further?